What Your BYO Meal Says About You

Now that you can build any kind of meal at Hello Bistro, we must know—what’s your favorite BYO meal? And better yet, what does your favorite BYO meal say about your personality? Find out below!
BYO Burger
You’re an organizer! You want everything to be stacked in front of you so you can see exactly what you’re getting into, including your burger. There’s a place for everything, whether it’s caramelized onions or books on your bookshelf.
BYO Salad
Just like you love fresh ingredients in your salad, you’re always on the cutting edge of the freshest trends and news. Your friends come to you for all the latest tea and info, and just like your favorite BYO Salad customized by you, you deliver the goods.
BYO Grilled Cheese
You’re a creature of comfort! Naps, blankets, and lounging in a hammock are all activities that sound incredibly appealing to you, in addition to designing your own grilled cheese exactly the way you want it!